CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME For two years I have been wondering the reason for such an extreme tiredness. I tried talking to different medical professionals and their advice was always to have blood tests to make sure I was not anemic. Time after time the test came negative and the tiredness was always ignored. However it kept bothering me constantly. I decided to visit Dr. Goldberg to see if he could help me. After listening to my description of symptoms he immediately suggested that I might have Epstein-Barr syndrome (which includes the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), and began treating me for it. After a week of treatment the lapses of tiredness began to diminish. In one week I only had 3 instead of 7. As the weeks continued with my treatment I began to notice considerable improvement. Now, after a couple of months I have the lapses happening once every three to four weeks, instead of daily. I am very thankful to Dr. Aaron Goldberg because I can finally function all day long. I definitely recommend trying the treatment. It worked for me!
DIABETESI went to see Dr. Goldberg in 2008 because of my diabetes and high blood pressure. I was having a hard time controlling my diabetes even with the medication and exercise prescribed to me by my Primary Care Physician. After starting Auricular Therapy, my diabetes became under control within the first week. I'd been taking 2000 milligrams twice daily of Metformin and 4 grams of Amaryl daily. I was also being treated for High Blood Pressure. Within the first week, I had to stop taking the Amaryl. 6 months later, I was taken off Metformin by my PCP. I was taking Metropolo 200 grams daily for my High Blood Pressure and now am down to 50 grams daily. I have gone from a size 18 to 10. And never felt better. I highly recommend this therapy especially if you've tried different methods to control your diabetes and high blood pressure and it didn't work. I have recommended this therapy to several of my friends and have seen the positive way it has affected them. My Primary Care Physician is also surprised with my progress. Thanks,
FIBROMYALGIAI have been seeing Dr. Goldberg for some time with very good results. A few months ago I started to experience daily and throughout the whole day a generalized muscular pain that is very debilitating and kept me from feeling well. I told Dr. Goldberg about it. After sharing with him and describing all the symptoms that I was feeling about this pain, Dr. Goldberg realized that what I have might very much be pains caused by Fibromyalgia, and he started treating me for it. I immediately started feeling better and the pain from Fibromyalgia has disappeared completely. It has already been a couple of months without any aches.
Thank you.
INSOMNIA I have suffered of Chronic Insomnia, caused by personal problems, for more than 20 years, and have tried several different kinds of medications and drugs to take care of it, with the only result of getting disappointed for the lack of results, and of course, body and mind exhaustion. My good friend, Dr. Goldberg, suggested to me to try his techniques with Auriculotherapy. For me it was only another try, but it ended being the best treatment for this condition that I had been suffering for such a long time. It has been more than 6 months that I can sleep and dream pleasantly and now I feel rested all the time.
MIGRAINESHi, my name is Angee R. My first visit with Dr. Goldberg was on September 24, 2009 for weight loss. At my second visit I mentioned to him that I have been a migraine sufferer since childhood, wondering if he could help me. Dr Goldberg stated he could place magnets to take care of that condition too! That visit was FOUR weeks ago, and I have not had a headache since. This is coming from someone who had a headache EVERY day . . . I have not felt this good in a very long time! Thanks to Dr. Goldberg, I no longer have to depend on taking medicine everyday.
MIGRAINESI have suffered from migraines for over 30 years and have been on almost every migraine medication on the market. Though these initially helped, my body builds up tolerance and they no longer become effective. When I heard about Auriculotherapy from a friend, I thought let's give it a shot, what can it hurt. That was a year ago and I'm still coming back. Fragrances, whether from cigarettes, perfumes, candles or diesel exhaust fumes have been my downfall. It had gotten to the point where we were staying home rather than chance getting a migraine from someone's strong perfume in a theater or restaurant. Since I've been undergoing this therapy, my reaction to fragrances has changed dramatically. My husband and I went to a concert and the woman next to me reeked of perfume and I did not have a reaction to it (my husband was the one that ended up with a headache--not me!). My quality of life has increased dramatically because of these treatments. I consider this therapy a MUST for anyone who suffers from migraines!!!.
PREGNANCY SICKNESS Dear Dr. Goldberrg, Words cannot express how grateful I am that we discover you. As you know, we were at our wits end with our first pregnancy. We thought we had tried every "remedy" and prescription medication to alleviate my severe morning sickness (hyperemesis gravidarum), but nothing had worked. You came highly recommended by a friend, and that's when we contacted you. My husband and I were skeptical at first, but when we met with you we appreciated your honesty and candor. So, we figured we had nothing to loose by trying it out. We were amazed at how quickly and how well your treatment worked! The morning sickness was gone within a few days. I hope you realize how much better you made me feel, and how much more enjoyable you made our pregnancy. We can't thank you enough for making our lives 'normal' again. We would recommend you highly to anyone who was going through what we did. We wish you the best of luck in the future.
SLEEP APNEASkeptical, that was my first thought when I heard about 'magnet therapy'. My wife suffers from Migraines and heard about Auriculotherapy and decided to give it a try. Her results were so great that in June I decided to talk to Dr. Goldberg about this therapy for my Sleep Apnea. I have been so very pleased with the results. My wife can sleep sounder now that I rarely stop breathing during the night. My nights sleep has been much more restful and I don't wake up every hour during the night. Prior to the start of this therapy, I rarely had any dreams or a good night sleep. That has changed the last four months. Skepticism no longer, you can count me as a believer.
SURGICAL AID First let me say thank you for helping me make my back surgery a success. I was diagnosed with two degenerative discs (L4 and L5) in my lower back, and had suffered back pain for over 3 years. With limited mobility and me being constantly on pain medications I had put on over 50 pounds. My back surgeon told me that he would not due the surgery until I was in a healthy weight range. Now I had tried several other weight loss plans and had no success. I then talked to my mother as she is a current patient of yours and she referred me to you. After eight weeks of following your Auriculotherapy guidelines I had lost over 35 pounds. I did not go to the gym or spend hours counting carbs or calories. It was natural to my body and I just lost weight and felt great. When I went back to my surgeon he was so impressed with my progress he approved the surgery. Now that my surgery is over and it went extremely well due to your help, I have been able to keep all the weight off and not use pain medicine. Again let me thank you for your constant inspiration, words of wisdom and the little magnets. I have referred several family and friends each having their own success with you and Auriculotherapy. I will see you again
Eczema / Nervous Even after a career in military medicine and teaching aerospace physiology for more than a decade the rule of thumb still remained: if it's not cleared by the flight surgeon, don't do it. Our family's venture into holistic and natural medicinal practices has been what might be termed a slow conversion: Seeing an auriculotherapist was a step of faith.When I first took my mom to see Dr. Goldberg she had already been seen by a number of physicians and specialist; none of whom could help her stress-induced skin eruptions: urticaria (hives) and angioedema, with resultant deep open wounds.
Through his thoughtful practice, gentle chair-side manner and sense of humor, Dr. Goldberg has proved to be a kind and knowledgable practitioner who has helped my mom greatly through auriculotherapy as well as assisting us in scripting an autohypnosis CD. The skin eruptions have vastly improved and are virtually gone altogether and she is sleeping much better.
Though this type of practice is not as quick as one might hope for, neither are patients left feeling like they are just a number being herded through the office to get something that will only mask symptoms like 'a bandaid on a bullet hole'. The healing that takes place appears to be of the type that is much deeper and therefore long lasting. This is a practice that truly seeks to heal the patient so they can eventually stop returning. How many other practices strive to work themselves out of work for the benefit of their clientele?
Dr. Goldberg's practice is different that main stream medicine, but we can whole heartedly recommend it.
To help our patients achieve wellness and good health in non-invasive and natural way!